Thursday, August 11, 2016

Activations Fail on Bad Emails

If you did not receive the following and click the activate link when you created your account, you must have an invalid email address. You will now need to contact an admin to resolve the issue or recreate a new account with a VALID EMAIL! One that you can actually read the incoming emails and respond, preferably. If you can, and still don't receive this email upon account creation, we must be having an issue with your email domain. Please inform us and we will work as fast as possible with that email domain to get the problem resolved. Thank you. Welcome to Guru Gossip forums Please keep this e-mail for your records. Your account information is as follows: ---------------------------- Username: *************** Board URL: ---------------------------- Please visit the following link in order to activate your account: Your password has been securely stored in our database and cannot be retrieved. In the event that it is forgotten, you will be able to reset it using the email address associated with your account. Thank you for registering. -- Thank you! Lulu xx


  1. So, is GG down again?

  2. I had to make sure everyone understood the problem with emails, and I'm resyncronizing some broken forums, we'll be back up shortly.

  3. I was in the middle of a post and went to send and am now on this page. Surprise, Surprise.

    1. click back, save what you wrote, we'll be back up.

  4. assuming ya'll wanted errors fixed.... have some patience, we love you.

    1. We love you? Lately NONE of the messages seem to be written by the same guy that runs this place....the wording is off...hmmmmm

    2. Agree with anon 2:49.

    3. Also agree...none of the newer posts here or on the site are written by that Morgan guy. Just another case of someone posting as someone else. Ugh.

  5. Just want to say thank you, for always keeping us up to date, with things that crop up.

    it cant be easy, to be the one to deal with complaints, when problems happen in the forum.

  6. Will GG be back up tomorrow?

  7. At this rate, GG will never fix their issues. Might as well stay offline. Let someone else run a website that will stay online.

  8. Is YTMD down too or just slow af?

  9. The site is worse than ever, I though you were changing hosts?

  10. It's really creepy that an authentication email to register for GG in 2016 is still signed with Lulu's name. Maybe that should be updated, too.

  11. Not been able to access GG for well over a week now, it is forever down. What is going on?

  12. Error 524 Ray ID: 2db28da109ee23f0 • 2016-08-31 18:33:23 UTC
    A timeout occurred

    I get this message a lot

  13. Error 503, surprise surprise


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