Thursday, August 11, 2016

Activations Fail on Bad Emails

If you did not receive the following and click the activate link when you created your account, you must have an invalid email address. You will now need to contact an admin to resolve the issue or recreate a new account with a VALID EMAIL! One that you can actually read the incoming emails and respond, preferably. If you can, and still don't receive this email upon account creation, we must be having an issue with your email domain. Please inform us and we will work as fast as possible with that email domain to get the problem resolved. Thank you. Welcome to Guru Gossip forums Please keep this e-mail for your records. Your account information is as follows: ---------------------------- Username: *************** Board URL: ---------------------------- Please visit the following link in order to activate your account: Your password has been securely stored in our database and cannot be retrieved. In the event that it is forgotten, you will be able to reset it using the email address associated with your account. Thank you for registering. -- Thank you! Lulu xx

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